Morgok's Krushas
Welcome to our rundown of Morgok’s Krushas. Make sure you catch our podcast coverage of the release. For everything out with this release window, follow these links:
Blog entries for all the new Underworlds Releases
Episode 157 - Two Rivals Decks, Eighteen New Warbands
Episode 156 - Thirteen New Warbands
Episode 155 - Embergard Core box decks and warbands
Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.
P: Big, mean, and green. Let's see how brutal these brutes can be.
P: Remove 3 Waaagh! Counters to inspire is the same as first edition, it just happens in the power step now. To understand if this is easy or not we need to peek ahead to Waaagh! Energy. Since tokens are gained on attack and being attacked the inspire should come pretty quickly.
D: I do like that this puts a little control in the hands of Morgok's opponent. Delay inspire by avoiding the attack, or if you must, then make sure to wind up for a high damage haymaker.
P: Well this is a welcome change! Getting tokens after any attack essentially (only way an attack doesn't target one of your fighters is in multiplayer) should make for pretty quick gains. In an ideal world you can get 8 spread across your fighters in each of your battle rounds and while your opponent could not attack you to deny waaaagh! Then you are being given free reign with some pretty scary orruks.
D: I think it also incentivizes finding extra attack output for your fighters- possibly through increased range on attacks, attacks that trigger in the power step, or positioning help from pushes or charge token manipulation.
P: Spending Waaagh! is a pretty significant cost and the fact this can only be done after taking damage as part of an attack makes it a bit niche. A guard token is pretty strong in this edition so that is what I'd go for most often, though giving that reroll from the stagger could help get that last attack through.
D: I'm probably overthinking this, but... I was wondering if the guard token granted by this ability arrives in time to prevent driveback from the attack that triggered it. I don't *think* so, but it would change the value of this ability if it did.
P: I read it that way too, Davy. Damage is inflicted before the drive back happens!
P: Ho wow! This is definitely worth the cost of some Waaagh! With one dice this is appealing, with 2 you are pretty likely to shut off whatever you need. Who had counter spell on orruks on their underworlds bingo card?
D: This seems potentially amazing. I'd imagine you'll probably have a fighter that is going to fall behind in the counter accumulation necessary to get inspired, so he might be your "Shut It" caddy.
P: Wow, wow, wow. Giving your leader a charge token is not great, but with no caveat about not already having a charge token means you could charge in, and then push your other 2 fighters 1-3 hexes. Any push of more than 1 hex is strong. Doing it to 2 big beaters is really scary.
D: Conversely, if Morgok is the only one who *hasn't* charged, and your other two fighters are further forwards, this can trigger a surprise extra "charged out" attack.
P: Look at the Waaagh! value!
P: 3 move, 1 block, 5 health, and 3 glory seems to be the standard elite leader profile, but that is nothing to sneeze at! Paired with a super accurate 3 hammer 2 damage attack and you have a fighter that can do a lot of work.
P: Going to 2 block will be a big deal for keeping Morgok going. Getting grievous instead of an extra damage is a neat way to boost Morgok without letting him get truly out of hand. Like it!
D: Yeah, two very worthy boosts on inspire make this one worth chasing.
P: Yup, same elite base stats! Having a range 2 attack just makes sense when you look at that club. An interesting choice to have him start at 2 damage now instead of 3 but making him more accurate should more than make up for the change.
D: The built in range 2 attack also makes Waaagh! generation a little easier for this fighter.
P: More damage at both ranges make 'Ardskull a really good fighter to get inspired. The addition of brutal will not always be important, but in the matches where it is you'll be happy to have it.
D: Thematically I like that the bare-chested fighter doesn't get the defense boost.
P: You probably can't call Thugg a danglebro but having *only* a 3 swords 2 damage attack does make him the least effective fighter in the band.
D: Just barely. And as we've mentioned elsewhere, the extra die makes this your best candidate for triggering overrun.
P: Dang, I take it back Thugg! Get this guy inspired and he is defensive, accurate, and can hit 3 damage. That means all 3 of these green skins are threatening 3 damage, don't let these Boyz get brawling or you will be in for a world of of hurt.
D: Thugg also gets to two defense dice. Feels like any one of these guys can probably carry the weight for the warband if you need.
P: Brutal, yes. Kunnin', surprisingly also yes. This looks to be a pretty straightforward strike band, but I think the warscroll abilities can really show a lot of skill expression. It should be interesting to see how much of a problem all this damage will be in an edition that seems to have largely lowered damage output.