Grinkrak's Looncourt

Welcome to our rundown of Grinkrak’s Looncourt. Make sure you catch our podcast coverage of the release. For everything out with this release window, follow these links:

Blog entries for all the new Underworlds Releases

Episode 157 - Two Rivals Decks, Eighteen New Warbands

Episode 156 - Thirteen New Warbands

Episode 155 - Embergard Core box decks and warbands

Episode 154 - Embergard

Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.



P: These gobbo’s turned grail knights are back for more questing. Are they having delusions of grandeur or have they found some Bad Moon magic in those mushrooms?



P: Wacky and very flavorful. Keeping track of which quests are best at what point of the game feels like it will be important.

P: One knight to be dubbed per round feels solid so long as the bonuses are good.


P: Alright some hold action. Holding more might be tough against a dedicated hold band but with 5 fighters you should be able to manage when you get a more fighty opponent. Getting the inspire off the quest carries over that fun flavor, having the bonus for using the dubbed fighter feels appropriate as well.


P: Oh dang! Bonus for the whole game. So just for questing you get a pseudo upgrade you can pass around each round. Actually completing this quest is a touch aggressive but you do have Grib who wants to be in the action anyway. 2 inspirations, maybe 3, makes this feel like a good early quest.


P: Another strike quest. Getting that bonus dice should make your dubbed knight quite scary and only needing a total bounty out of 2 feels pretty reasonable.


P: Bonus damage is big so another attractive option. Needing the same 2 bounty slain should keep the inspires flowing.



P: A solid profile for a 1 bounty fighter. Given that your inspiration and dub no longer require Grinkrak I think you can afford to let him go questing himself. Why should the knights get all the glory?

P: Most of your quests can inspire your leading in addition to some knights so he should get inspired most games, and going to 3 hammers makes him quite accurate. That is all he gets though so not the end of the world if he doesn't get here.

P: Oh boy, while the flying and extra movement is pretty spectacular on a single bounty fighter hitting on only 2 swords is not. Having grievous base does make investing in his accuracy worthwhile. Probably my first choice for dubbing. Notable that his attack is also at range 2 so some extra value there even if it is inaccurate.

And extra save and attack dice is nice. I definitely want to see Grib inspired before he goes off on a noble quest if at all possible.

P: Now we are seeing profiles that seem more appropriate to the bounty. 2 health most certainly puts fighters at risk this edition and couple that with an inaccurate attack and I don't love snarks odds of returning from any quests he is sent on.

P: Getting an extra attack dice brings his attack up to being about average. Still fine to choose since you get to inspire multiple fighters at a time but you might need other options first.

P: I'm perfectly okay with a range 4 squigapault being slow. The 3 wounds should help survive a bit and while 2 swords is inaccurate the cleave should go a long way.

P: Oh very solid! Going to 2 block makes Skolko and Pronk very hard to shift. Park these guys on a treasure token and it immediately turns into a mini fort for them to defend.

P: The word chaff comes to mind, Nags. Hopefully you can use him for holding or positional scoring because I don't think he does enough to stick in the fight.

P: Neat that the fighter with a shield goes to 2 block. Adds more value to the hold or positional game plan. Especially staying at 1 damage.

P: Corporate wants to know the difference between Burk and Nagz... There is no difference.

P: But hey, at least he stays the same in inspiring to 2 block as well! That leaves us with 3 fighters with 2 block. Even with low health that should be annoying.

P: I guess fungal spores can really mess with your head. Snorbo is plenty flimsy but having stagger to set up the other knights is a decent bit of utility.

P: Huh, and another 2 save dice on inspire! Swapping swords to hammers is a huge accuracy boost as well. Look at you go Snorbo!



Brave? Perhaps. Crazy? most definitely! These little weirdos look like a ton of fun and are absolutely jam packed with flavor (mostly mushroom). Despite having some lower health totals I fully expect some fun tricks and look forward to seeing what folks can figure out with these cremini crusaders.

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