The Gorechosen of Dromm

Welcome to our rundown of the Gorechosen of Dromm. Make sure you catch our podcast coverage of the release. For everything out with this release window, follow these links:

Blog entries for all the new Underworlds Releases

Episode 157 - Two Rivals Decks, Eighteen New Warbands

Episode 156 - Thirteen New Warbands

Episode 155 - Embergard Core box decks and warbands

Episode 154 - Embergard

Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.



D: A Dromm tale: In first edition, you were, unexpectedly, a control warband, thanks to some extremely reliable end phase scoring and some pushes. But you'd expect Khorne's most elite to be all about ripping faces right? Let's see where these beefy bois land.



D: Welcome back! This looks like eight instances of friendlies or enemies getting damaged with a substantial gain in the event of a kill. And I think this is worth pursuing. Note that this tally of 8 is going to be at odds with your abilities on this warscroll, so the balancing act will be important.

P: With the accuracy that your fighters have and the ability push some damage in the power steps I would expect this to be relatively quick. Your opponent is being put in a real bind here if they don't have high damage attacks.

D: Notice- any fighter, any time. Dromm's is going to be real interested in that gambit speed damage once more and would love to tangle it up with fighters that are throwing a lot of lower damage attacks.

D: As I read it, this is going to be on top of the damage trigger from The Blood Tithe, so any kill is basically going to be "bounty +1".


D: There's a lot of ceiling to this, but both fighters needing to be without Move or Charge tokens feels like a fairly big ask. Late in the round, you're going to struggle to find a board state that satisfies these conditions. But notice that the fighters don't have any requirement to be friendly or enemy. This can be pretty effective to disrupt positioning from Take & Hold fighters (get two of them!). There's also the option to use it on two of your own if that seems to be of value- maybe boosting the position of The Gorehulk by sacrificing some forward progress from Herax.


D: Good lord. This one's hot fire. There's some high quality attacks in this warband and if this functions like I think it does (i.e. regardless of move or charge tokens) it's effectively an entire extra activation. Mama mia. There's the less brute force option of forcing an opponent to charge a fighter out of position as well, which is going to win some games, but be less obvious.

P: This feels like one of those abilities that will be so tempting to use early but also have a lot of pressure to save for just the right moment. I love it.


D: At some point, you'll lose a fighter and have nothing else to spend a pile of blood tithe tokens on. Might as well throw them and keep that heavy hitter swinging.

P: Interesting note about this is if your opponent were to overkill you it becomes extremely unlikely for the heals to matter. I think as long as this is ready to use you're going to have to think about if you can reliably get that fighter dead.



D: Those attack profiles won't light your hair on fire. Five health means you can contribute to the accumulation of blood tithe without getting too deep in danger, though.

P: Having range 2 feels helpful for generating tithe too, if you just need the tokens and aren't as worried about pushing for a kill.

D: Now we're talking. The only change is to attack profile, but that's a great one. Range 2 with a potential for three damage is elite level. Worth pursing the inspire.

P: I keep loving the use of grievous to add damage more and more. It's a real bonus but with limits.

D: Gorehulk is a big ol' stack of health. He's the shortest threat range out of the gate, but that rare three damage... and with the ability to add grievous, you're looking really good. With a backup hyper-accurate attack for someone who's already close to dead, this a solid hitter.

P: Great opportunity for drive back or overrun with the second profile as well if you just need to deny a hold for a bit.

D: Woweee. I guess his arms get longer? Great candidate for upgrades on that three damage (!) range 2 attack. And what is even going on up close- 5 hammers?! That's going to clean up some scrubs.

P: In the immortal words of Theodin, what can men do against such reckless hate? In this case, probably run!

D: Herax, my boy. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you're only one bounty which means I know who's getting put in the most danger...

D: But that's a perfectly respectable inspired attack profile. He also retains a little bit of his first edition cardio as the only fighter to have a speed higher than three. A great opening swing to get some of those ultra-high value attacks from your other two more likely to finish the job.



D: Well... there's some tremendous offensive output. A little bit of control with the Call of Blood and Enrage abilities gives a little nuance to the warband, but you can't go wrong with some face smashing. I'd love to see this paired up with mobility, pings and accuracy. Those inspired attack profiles are... inspiring.

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