Da Kunnin' Krew

Welcome to our rundown of Da Kunnin’ Krew. Make sure you catch our podcast coverage of the release. For everything out with this release window, follow these links:

Blog entries for all the new Underworlds Releases

Episode 157 - Two Rivals Decks, Eighteen New Warbands

Episode 156 - Thirteen New Warbands

Episode 155 - Embergard Core box decks and warbands

Episode 154 - Embergard

Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.



D: The first edition crown princes of crazy movement shenanigans. Can they possibly retain that level of tech? How sneaky are these fellers now? Let's see....



D: With certain upgrades like Hidden Aid, you can cheat out an inspire without positioning help. On the same note, you can lose out if your opponent is rocking Inviolate.

D: A quick glance at runemarks will show that Krookgrin joins the non-hob type grots in being a minion. So lines of play that position the little guys to help the bigs will pay dividends in accuracy and inspirations. You can pretty quickly make it so most of the dice faces are successes, which is... pretty dece.


D: Cons first: Move tokens on your leader might be annoying, since you're not attacking. If you can cheat them out with power cards, lovely. Pro, though: This is after any Action step, including enemy steps. So you can set up some tasty attacks with aforementioned inspires and accuracy. This is great early, because it probably means three pushes of one hex. Late game, it may only be a single fighter left to benefit, but that's a *big* three hex push.

P: While this is definitely helpful for setting up those attacks, I love the flexibility to just get grots in scoring positions as well. Very good flexible ability.


D: That's some serious flava. At it's simplest this is, I guess a 50/50? But I love the mind games it can bring. "Did this mad-lad hang on to an upgrade heavy hand in round one?" I see plenty of gambits in the discard pile. Surely he doesn't have that many in hand anymore. And the pay-off is potentially spectacular.

P: Yes, please, more of this kind of design on warscrolls. Not only a great ability but just really fun to play.


D: I wish you could see the attack roll first. Best for the fighters that get to two defense dice, by hook or by crook, but at least this is one of those abilities that you will always have the opportunity to use.

P: I imagine the application if fairly narrow here. If you have more dice than your opponent already this might be overkill, if you have less it might be wasted effort because number of successes will be able to push through. When close to the same number though this is a big defense boost.



D: That's a pretty standard set of attack profiles for a range 2 leader. Health five is handy for a leader that is a key to one of the sneakier warscroll abilities.

D: Bit of a bummer that the range 2 stays down at one damage. He's accurate, but may not have the damage output to be a real difference maker.

D: Torka coming in as hitty as his boss, with one less health. The range two attacks are going to get more of the flanked/surrounded bonuses, but not spectacular.

D: Hello three damage! We found our warband's heavy hitter. And what an unexpected two block save value! Torka is going to be key to getting some work done!

P: 2 damage at range two should open up a lot of avenues to Torka as well. A very scary inspired fighter.

D: Krookgrin's little stub shiv has long-shot accuracy, but respectable damage. His three health gives him a chance to provide the crucial supports for the big fellers.

D: Into the realm of respectable accuracy, but with a very important second save dice to keep him around for supporting or squatting features.

D: You love to see the two save dice to start. The bottom-of-the-barrel attack profile is forgivable for what he'll hopefully provide in treasure holding or big guy-supporting.

D: I think the extra dice on the attack profile (as the one and only improvement) is more notable for the chance to trigger overrun that it is to put out your sad little one damage.

D: Not gonna lie, it's gonna be hard for me to remember that Shank is on a different save profile than Gikkit. Also, let the record show that the guy throwing a net, probably shouldn't be the one named Shank. That's an attack that just gives you a "maybe I'll bump someone on my way to this good position" option.

D: Another low priority inspire, but you're probably triggering it incidentally on your way to inspiring the big guys.



D: Soooooo, maybe not so tricky. But if you can leverage positioning to inspire the big guys and get multiple attacks per round from them, then you're sitting pretty. You've also got a pretty huge one-time re-positioning option open via warscroll ability. The trick-ceiling isn't as high as it was in first edition. They don't seem like they brought the same level of Kunnin' but they're not totally out of tricks.

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