Blackpower's Buccaneers

Welcome to our rundown of Blackpowder’s Buccaneers. Make sure you catch our podcast coverage of the release. For everything out with this release window, follow these links:

Blog entries for all the new Underworlds Releases

Episode 157 - Two Rivals Decks, Eighteen New Warbands

Episode 156 - Thirteen New Warbands

Episode 155 - Embergard Core box decks and warbands

Episode 154 - Embergard

Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.



D: One of the big boys returns! Generally thought to be a weaker choice in first edition (sorry Sleek) but with a surprising number of tricks for movement and disrupting enemy upgrades, there were some sneaky strengths to this warband. Do they come back with a little swagger? Or are they walking the plank back into the briny depths?



D: Given that you start with one, you'll need to collect two more to have a chance to inspire. That's two successful attacks from anyone but Shreek, or just the one if you're the underdog. *Then* it'll take two shots from the grunderbuss. The fighter cards will help us figure if it's worth it.

D: Spoiler alert: Everyone but Shreek has an attack with the Swashbuckle runemark.


D: This won't require a successful attack, which is handy. Unless I was really desperate, I'd try to fire this off when I can afford to spend two swag. That'll put it on a 75% chance to ping each fighter selected. Stagger as well for the follow up!

P: I love this flavor, but I agree Davy, without 2 swag to spend this is pretty rough. And getting two swap isn't all that simple. Shockingly, I think this is the best ability they have which is saying something


D: I'm coming around to cleave and ensnare in the new edition. This is pretty underwhelming, though. You're just buffing a 1 damage ranged attack here. You can spend two Swag if you want to rush the inspire, but it won't get you anything else.

P: If we ever get a way to give blackpowder's gun extra damage this gets really scary.


D: Best case scenario, you're pushing inspired Gorlock to a range 5, four swords, 1 damage attack. That's fine... but for a whole ability?

P: I guess you'll know when you need it? Seems niche for sure.



D: Biggest boy in Underworlds at 8 health! That three bounty is going to be hard to get at- requiring a *lot* of attacks. Having three damage right out of the gate is pretty solid too. The ranged attack is fine, but kind of there to get some inspiration going.

D: An extra dice on each attack- but you *do* only have range 1 on that cleaver.

P: Seems best to stay away from said cleaver, at least until he has charged.

D: Oh, Peggz. I don't think you're going to be much help in gathering swag with that attack. Extremely expendable. Hopefully you can find something worth doing.

P: Go grab those treasures peggz! You're not going to last long doing much else.

D: That's about the saddest inspiration boost I've seen. Poor guy.

P: Just keep picking up those treasures...

D: Kagey still flies thanks to his grappling hook. And he's got a little more utility than Peggz since he can swashbuckle at range. Well, technically.

P: Technically is right. Certainly possible, but not likely

D: Just like Peggz, just an extra sword on that attack. At least he doesn't have to get into "gettin' gibbed" range to use it.

D: Shreek can at least contribute with speed, flying and a possible two damage. Especially helps if Blackpowder has staggered some fools first.

P: The 2 dodge feels absolutely critical here. Get in a cheeky claw attack or fly to grab a far away treasure. Too bad he can't swashbuckle.

D: No need for crit grievous, just a flat two damage. How important this inspire is, depends on how much you've had to commit Blackpowder via charging, thus needing to do work with the rest of the crew.

P: Theoretically can give him grievous to get a little bird missile going. Neat.

D: Monkey with a knife. You used to be cool, Mange. Carrying weapons when other critters couldn't. He's your most accurate swag gatherer outside Blackpowder, but you know... low bar.

P: It's on the floor my man.

D: And ala Shreek, at least there's another source of more than one damage available if Gorlock is otherwise occupied.

P: If he had 1 more health I'd feel he was a pretty reliable fighter. As is, you'll be praying that 2 dodge can keep you safe.



D: Yikes. Not 100% sure if this warband is bad (TM) but I can say they don't seem very exciting. The whole schtick of this crew is feeding swag to one fighter. And not even just one fighter, but one fighter's ranged attacks. (For what it's worth, looks like he can use these abilities with ranged attack action upgrades). I don't think the 8 health and 3 damage melee attack on Blackpowder is enough to make up for the lackluster... everything else, but maybe I'm wrong. Too bad there wasn't some ability to break upgrades or sneak in pushes like first edition.

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