Chaos Dreadhold Terrain
The Dreadhold was a series of massive terrain kits that Games-Workshop released at the very beginning of Age of Sigmar in 2015. These massive, chonky, spike ridden beasts were a shock to a lot of players. Never had we seen something so huge. These fortresses had walls, and towers, gates and lava spewing cannon pieces. But it was pretty expensive at the time. This particular kit belongs to tMR Crew Member, Aaron (@dosaceos) which he got 2nd hand from someone. I took a break on looong break in the middle of painting it, but it looks really good and I’ll likely paint another one soon.
The kit was prebuilt, primed black, and shoved into a cardboard box with numerous broken bits. It contents of the box were
2 Dread Towers - top and bottom
1 Dread Gate - 2 doors
6 Dread Walls
2 Dread Wall Ruins
As for painting, here’s what I did, and below that is how I’ll do it differently next time.
Primed everything white.
Airbrushed Army Painter Bone (which is a nice dropper bottle and comes in a spraycan) on all the skulls.
Painted the metals using a mix of three Vallejo Metal Colors for brass and steel bits - this was painstaking and detailed.
Then I painted the flats Kantor Blue, which became painstaking and detailed because of the order I did it in.
Washed it all in Agrax Earthshade (roughly 3 bottles).
Dry brushed the skulls with Ivory White.
Dry brushed the flats some light blue I got from somewhere.
Line highlighted the brass with a gold sharpie.
I managed to get the whole kit through step 3, and then half of it through step 4 and 5. Then it sat for a couple years. This past week I pulled it all out, and set out to finish it.
The next time I paint one of these it’s gonna be:
Prime everything Bone.
Messy paint all the flats Kantor Blue.
Wash everything in Agrax Earthshade.
Dry brush the skulls ivory white.
Dry brush the flats with light blue.
Paint the metals with painstaking detail.
Line highlight the brass with a gold sharpie.
It’s nearly the same number of steps but I bet I could get everything through steps 1-3 in one day, and then 4 & 5 done in an hour once the wash dries. Then the metals would get done over a couple hours each night while listening to podcasts or movies.