Madtown Throwdown Q2 2023 - May 13 - Madison WI
YOUR CHAMPION: Bobby & Hedkrakka’s Madmob
What is the Madtown Throwdown Q2 event?
The Madtown Throwdown Q2 is a Warhammer Underworlds event to be held at Noble Knight Games in Madison, WI hosted by the What The Hex Podcast. If luck has it, it may even be our first Wyrdhollow event!
The format will be the Nemesis format with Best-of-One rounds. Six rounds in total. New players are encouraged and just like our previous events, we’ll have extra warbands, dice, and boards available if you need them.
Come throw down!
There will also be prizes for best painted, best sports, and maybe a little something just for showing up.
10:00 am - Registration
10:15 am - Start
12:20 pm - Lunch Break
1:20 pm - Resume
6:00 pm - Awards
Registering in advance is a huge help to us for scheduling and planning. Send $5 via PayPal to, or pay on the day of the event. If you’re planning to go, but want to wait to pay on the day of the event, please let us know at
What is NEMESIS?
Nemesis format allows you to bring any of the faction specific cards that came with your warband and combine them (if you wish) with one Universal Rivals deck. You can see the official format document here: Nemesis Format. It will tell you which cards and boards will be legal for the event.
Event Rulings
We will be using all the latest Designer Commentary and Errata.
The beta rules will be in effect for Zarbag’s Gitz, Morgok’s Krushas, Blackpowder’s Bucaneers, and the Gnarlspirit Pack.
All product releases on or before May 6th 2023 will be valid for use.
Recent Official Rulings
Updated: 04 May 2023 | Published in the “Previous Seasons Designer’s Commentary” living document.
Unquenchable Fervour | Gryselle’s Arenai #22
Q. If I play this, and a friendly fighter is dealt precisely 1 damage, is this ploy discarded?
A. No. This ploy persists until the end of the phase or until it reduces damage.
Train Them Up | Beastbound Assault #09
Q. When a fighter makes a Charge superaction, how many actions is that counted as for this objective?
A. It is counted as a Move action and an Attack action. That fighter will need to make an additional action if you want to score this objective.
Winds of Wrath | Beastbound Assault #22
Q. Does this affect both friendly and enemy fighters?
A. Yes.
Vicious Familiar | Beastbound Assault #32
Q. Does ignoring one dice from the attack roll prevent me from scoring objectives like Branching Fate, that concern the contents of a roll?
A. No.
Additional Event Rulings
Updated: 08 May 2023 | These rulings have been made in advance by the event TO.*
Carve a Path | Toxic Terrors #2
Q. If I have met the condition to score this objective but not gain the additional glory, may I choose not to reveal and score it so that I may attempt more Attack actions?
A. Yes. Note you forfeit the current reveal window and will need to wait until the next time the condition is satisfied.
Q. Can this be scored with a total of two Attack actions each made by a different leader? (Examples: Domitan’s Stormcoven & Khagra’s Ravagers)
A. No. The Attack actions must be made by the same fighter. The fighter only needs to be a leader during the second or subsequent Attack action though.
*If you have a question that you would like a ruling on prior to the event, please email your question to
Grymwatch vs Beastgrabbaz audio batrep.