The Farstriders, Revamped
Welcome to our rundown of the revamped Farstrider cards. Make sure you catch our podcast coverage and blogs. For everything out with this release window, follow these links:
Voidcursed Thralls Universal Rivals Deck
Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.
Davy’s Farstriders
First Impressions
P: Farstriders were a truly elite band back in the day but have significantly lost a step as time has gone on. A reworked deck of cards and some fighter tweaks should hopefully bring them back to the fight.
P: Old Farstrider hasn't changed much since he first began his fight in the underworlds, and that is okay! This gnarled vet is rocking solid stats and has picked up crit stagger on his bolt pistol for good measure. His main new trick is inspiring from making a two attacks with different names. Generally this will be a shot and an attack with the pistol but it leaves the door open to some upgrade attacks, which is pretty neat. I think this is more of a side grade from their previous inspire mechanic though since making multiple attacks with a fighter is not always easy.
P: Well, inspired Farstrider is a straight upgrade to his previous card. Keeping the range and grievous of the star falcon but adding stagger as well. Then, add in some extra accuracy from the shock axe and you have quite the solid fighter on two block.
D: There's a bit of a stealth bonus here too- many of the gambits have changed to no longer refer to the pistol attacks and instead just range 3+ attacks. Previously, you had to pick between the powerful falcon attack and the pistol that might contribute to your objectives.
P: Very minor upgrade. Has the crit stagger just like Farstrider and has moved up to three fury from two smash on the saber. Still living the three move life is a bummer.
D: Believe it or not, Swiftblade was on three fury originally.
P: Yup, was definitely looking at Almeric's attack profile...
D: Stagger on these pistols also potentially sets up a nice shot, then charge.
P: Only chasing inspire for the defense. Gaining cleave isn't bad but not a big difference either.
D: Cleave is one of those rules- when it's important, it can be *really* important. I always thought of Swiftblade as an available tool to lean on in certain matchups.
P: Almeric here is almost unchanged completely from shadespire. He only gained stagger, not crit stagger just stagger, on his pistol. Certainly not a bad thing to have but not great either.
D: Well... isn't it potentially better? You can stagger a target without a crit? As long as you succeed?
D: Eagle-Eye is the way to get to 3 damage without upgrades. Sometimes it means he'll be your most important fighter. Again- with a small warband like this, you'll lean whichever way the situation demands.
P: Eh, kill the enemy leader is not great. Many matchups this will be very difficult to achieve for one reason or another.
D: It's the most forgiving format of this sort of objective, but still not very reliable.
P: A new end phase that harkens back to their old inspire of ending a round in enemy territory. I like the call back and I'm okay with this as a relatively easy end phase score.
D: Nice and easy, and works with a gambit I think we'll all like quite a bit.
P: A carry over with some modern templating. I don't like this one though. Needing all your fighters in enemy territory is very prescriptive and the reward for doing so is very small.
D: I think I'd look for something more flexible if I have options.
P: Essentially a surge for meeting your inspire condition. Not a huge fan because making the melee attack and ranged attack with the same fighter will take quite a bit of set up let alone actually having them succeed.
D: Needing multiple attacks to succeed and be at different ranges *is* rough, but they do have some gambit help. That range 1 attack is one you’ll probably only get one chance at in the early game.
P: While this is new to the faction it is pretty similar to hold objective number X which we know doesn't really see play either. This could be doable if you get lucky but it doesn't feel reliable, which is what you want for a one glory end phase.
D: Feels like this could have been 2 glory. Or one glory and hold *any* objective in enemy territory.
P: One of two old surges and it made the jump from their original deck. I can't say I'm a fan though. I don't love kill surges and this is a kill two surge. In many matchups this is almost impossible to count on.
D: Yeah, rough. In practice, I found it to be better than it looks on paper... but it looks pretty tough on paper. Round 2 is where this will most likely go off- you're likely to be more fully engaged, with fighters damaged from Round 1.
P: If this didn't have the second clause I would be pretty happy to take it. Forcing the warband into enemy territory makes this a bit more suspect. Still an easy score though, I think.
D: It's tough early and I hate being forced into enemy territory, because certain matchups will punish that. It does scale nicely as you lose fighters, though.
P: Double restriction kill surge is not what I like to see. Just one of these restrictions would have already been a medium kill surge, both makes this pretty unappealing.
D: This is an improvement over what used to be triggered only by a leader, but that was epically bad. This one lets Swiftblade in on the fun, but that's a pretty tight surge, especially in a meta where people are happy to flip things to cover.
P: Against some warbands this works out alright, but against most this is essentially saying kill the whole enemy band for two glory... I'd pass personally.
D: OUCH. Why is it "greater than"? I guess it might be too good as an equal to. Incredibly difficult against elite warbands, still real tough against hordes.
P: This is a kill surge I can get behind. Do what the warband wants to be doing anyway, profit.
D: **Nods appreciatively.**
P: This is a decent surge we have seen before. Chasing crits is risky though so plus dice may be necessary to score this reliably.
D: Totally fine with this one. In my experience, you'll be taking plenty of shots. It may hang in your hand if you're unlucky, but I'd carry it through to another round if it did.
P: This is pretty solid. Similar to Path of Order but only requiring a single objective to be held. I suspect this will be an auto include in Nemesis and used somewhat in Champs.
D: For two glory, I'm down. Using something like Duellist's Speed to surf around and end on an objective makes this doable.
P: Huh, didn't expect a Hidden Paths reprint in Farstriders but I'll take it! This card did so much work in season one that I'm probably expecting it to do too much now. Regardless, a teleport is a teleport and can allow a lot of shenanigans.
D: Oh man, that's spicy. With the new rules around charge tokens, that cost isn't quite as tough as you might think too. Very nice.
P: If only this was plus dice to any attack! As it stands it still is going to be a very solid Sidestep plus.
D: Heck yeah! This is a nice re-work of the old one. Sidestep with benefits. You love to see it.
P: Another old card. Probably slightly better now that enemy pushes are so rare but this still feels like a pretty weak push.
D: Toxic Terrors brought No Safe Ground which is a lot better. I'll still be tempted, but this ends up as gambit #9-12. Edge case, in other words.
P: Plus damage is often a high risk/high reward gambit so I'm not always a huge fan but with this having no range restriction it will mean you don't have to be out of position to use it and that is big.
D: If you get someone staggered with early shots, you can come in with extra manufactured accuracy to make sure this gets home. I like it.
P: Hello new card. Getting to make a second attack after charging feels like a solid way to push some extra damage.
D: And set up some lethal hex pushes. And inspires. Can combo with Rapid Volley below for three attacks in a row!
P: Really solid old card that I'm glad to see they get to keep. Double push is almost always an auto include.
D: It's even better than it used to be because it used to *require* two fighters. At worst, this is Sidestep. *Great* card.
P: Give ‘em a little double tap. I really like this and it pairs nicely with Veteran Marksman.
P: Also, I almost didn't recognize it, but this is an old card too. The wording change makes a world of difference reading the card.
D: If, for whatever reason you gave a fighter a different range 3+ weapon, this would be a free inspire.
D: This lets Farstrider send the bird twice on his inspired side which is *great*. Helps score your Range 3+ surges too. Yes please.
P: One of the best pings ever printed in my opinion. I'm glad they got to keep it.
D: Interesting that you can't salvage this, though...
P: Oh weird! They didn't restrict it...
P: Decent, though having to survive might be a problem. At worst It'll be a major head game piece where your opponent has to really weigh if they can risk the crack back
D: I think this is the right general area to put extra attack actions. It's an incredibly powerful effect. Just knowing this is out there, can dissuade low damage attacks early on, or really encourage drive-backs, even if you don't want to do that.
P: Old, simple, straightforward. A solid card.
D: Given some of their incentives to be in the edges, guard tech is kinda nifty for helping them avoid being Trapped more often.
P: Old upgrade that I didn't think was good back in Shadespire and I don't really think it is now. Pass.
D: Too situational in my opinion, though happy to be proven wrong.
P: Wording feels awkward but basically this fighter can provide support on defense as long as they are within three of the attacker. I think this is pretty solid, especially once these guys inspire to two block.
D: Kinda weirdly overlaps with Lone Warrior. Although this does unlock some support tricks. I'm thinking something like Loyal Service, though that's not enough to build off of on it's own.
P: This is fine. Potential extra damage is never bad and the stagger can help add accuracy, I just wish it wasn't restricted to range one attacks.
D: Can't... not hear... Cracklin' Rosie...
P: Extra range can catch people off guard but extra range for just a single damage attack may not be worth it. I'd probably pass.
D: Mmmm, I'm of the mind that a turreted inspired Farstrider with Range 5, Gloryseeker and Fighter's Ferocity could be a real nightmare...
P: Oh that's right this can make him range 5!! That is scary.
P: A small situational accuracy boost. Not usually the kind of upgrade I want to take but it isn't bad either.
D: That's not a great return on investment for a whole upgrade slot...
P: Well this is different. I'm not so sure the remove a move token piece will come up much but when you need it you'll likely be glad you have it. Removing stagger feels more likely and much more generically useful since these guys will be easy to hit until they inspire.
D: Huh. I suppose this can help with some strategies that ask you to delve? Can set up a move/charge two turn combination. My expierience is that you'll often be down to one or two fighters, so it gains value there.
P: More defensive tech. Unfortunately doesn't stack with other support based defense buffs since this one just makes singles successful. Best use here is likely to get in cover with this so you have almost guaranteed defense success.
D: Yeah... hm. Stacking defense tech may be an option.
P: An old upgrade that sees new relevance with the new inspire mechanic. A three smash ranged attack is nothing to complain about either.
D: That's really high accuracy, obviously. Might not do things differently enough to spring for, but solid nonetheless. Works with the gambits and surges in this deck too.
P: Simple and effective. A good one to keep from the old days.
D: Bigger deal if you're sticking with the invading style cards.
P: This should be pretty useful since many of the objectives for Farstriders ask you to put your fighters in danger.
D: For sure. I'm a fan.
D: The gambits seem excellent, the upgrades are decent, but the objectives feel pretty lacking. There’s a few solid picks, but they definitely want to be looking through the universals for something to filter in for constructed play. One of my personal old favorites, I’m looking forward to rolling them out again.