043 - Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome - Story Phase
Show Notes
In this episode we cover the lore of the Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta narcissism, overindulgence, depravity, and lewdness. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about Slaanesh!
Time Stamps
What we've been up to: 1:25
The Story Phase - Obsessed with Slaanesh: 5:45
The Story Phase - A History of Depravity: 59:20
Units? More like Lewd-nits! Ha!: 1:25:45
Final Thoughts and Review: 1:46:38
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The Skaven Battletome can be purchased at…
Hardcover at Amazon
iBook at iTunes
Hardcover at Games Workshop
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