036 - NEO Teams & Narrative Signals - Campaign Phase
Welcome to the Mortal Realms, an Age of Sigmar Podcast. Grab your hammer so we can clear a path through the Chaos and forge our own narratives in the Age of Sigmar. Your allies through the Realm Gate this episode are Brian and Eric
In this episode, we are discussing Narrative signals, elements of an event that can effectively communicate to your attendees the kind of narrative event you are running and what level of play to expect. After that we’ll be talking about working with a team to share the burden and joy of running a narrative event.
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Brian: @Borbhobby
Eric: @StonemonkGamer
You can listen to more episodes of the Story phase, Campaign phase, Scrying phase and What the Hex?! down below
Welcome to the Mortal Realms Sigmarnalia Spectacular Podcast Ultra Crossover!
In this episode we cover the lore of the Stormcast Eternals Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta undying devotion, hammering the point, and shocking revelations. And then if we have time we’ll talk about only the faithful!
In this episode we cover the lore of the Skaven Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta nefarious ambition, never-ending paranoia, near-constant betrayal, and using extra words when just 1 would suffice. And then if we have time we’ll talk about them rats!
In this episode we’ll chat with a Last Volari, a Perfect Assassin, truly a Heart of the Beast - Black Library author Gary Kloster!
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: Hounds of Chaos. Are you ready to hear all about a book jam packed with Flesh Hounds, Claws of Karanak, and Grawl the dog from the Godsworn Hunt who also would be technically considered a Hound of Chaos? Well too bad! Let’s see what other Hounds there are to learn about! Join us, won’t you?
In this episode we cover the lore of the Darkoath Battletome Supplement. Get ready to hear a whole lotta sworn oaths, blood sacrifice, and savagery. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those true inhabitants of the realms!
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: Shadow of the Crone. Have these Dawnbringers founded a dang city yet? They have to have by now, this has to be the last book right? Dear listeners, please join us for what is almost certainly the final…wait, what’s that? There’s a crone who can tell the future, and she’s informing me we’ve got a ways to go yet. Let’s get into it, I suppose.
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: The Mad King Rises. Remember when we talked all about Ushoran a few episodes ago? Well guess what, we’re not done. Will we repeat some stuff from that episode? Probably. Will there be new stuff too? Maybe. Is there a whole other Dawnbringer Crusade outside of Ghyran? We’ll find out. Join us, won’t you?
In this episode we cover the lore of the Tomb Kings of Khemri. Get ready to hear a whole lotta grand titles, creaking bones, and tales from the olden days. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those desert liches!
The whole gang gets together to look back at 2024 and ahead to 2025.
All about Worlds up in here. Davy, Brian, and Skyler talk three different perspectives from the WCW.
Davy and Brian take a run at (checks notes) 18 warbands and two rivals decks.
Phil and Skyler talk the new rules released this week.
In this episode we cover the lore of the Gloomspite Gitz Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta backstabbing, petty thievery, idol worship, and illicit substance consumption. And then after all that maybe we’ll have time to talk about the Grots!