Ohhhhh, Pushin' Control - 055

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! With apologies to the late great Purple One, we're taking an updated look at control play with Set the Tempo's Matt. After his very excellent article covering Control play we decided to finally get off our butts and pull him in for an episode. We'll cover definition, iconic cards and warbands, and the state of play in the current game.

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Ch-ch-ch-chaanges - 053

We hit the two most relevant things in today's Warhammer Underworlds meta- the new shiny FAR list and Eyes of the Nine. Please welcome Norway's own Erik (aka ErikErik) while he helps us through this upheaval by preaching us to embrace change. Or the Changer of Ways.

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Death and Taxes - 052

There's only two sure things in life... that GW will release a warband when we're not ready, and that when the going gets tough, Phil and Davy will make someone else do the hard work. Please welcome Tommy, terror of the Vassal Clashes to the 'cast to talk Kainan's Reapers.

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Undead Down Under- 049

Like a bunch of undead hungry, hungry hippos, the Crimson Court have had all hands on deck the past month. What have we learned after taking them out for a spin? More importantly, what has *Tabletop Sydney* learned? Benji guests on this episode to chat about their awesome channel and all things vampire.

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Across the Universals - 045

Davy and Phil get in the weeds with Bold Deeds, turn the page on Martial Mage, and somethingsomething schmesistance on Haughty Resistance. Do we find this set of universals interesting? Judging by the number of times we used that adjective... YES. Listen to the end for Davy to get the answer wrong to his own trivia question.

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