Warcry Muster Guide 2.0 - Starting Warband Buyer's Guide

Dogs of Warcry and this Buyer’s Guide is a passion project in response to our love of the fast-past, cinematic skirmish game WARCRY by Games Workshop. This is only a guide and some information may be incorrect or change later.

First and foremost, grab the models you love and get them on the table fast. We hope you enjoy this game and hobby as much as we do.


Essentials Bundle - $85-$107~

The original Starter Set is no longer available from GW unless you can find it in your local game store or through online retailers. So here’s your alternative.

Core Rule Set book $50/$35 digital

A Warcry Warband box $50

or a Non-Chaos Warband $57 (avg) + $8-$12 Card set.

Add-ons for Awesomeness

Ravaged Lands Terrain ~$90

Battleplan Cards $24 = Deployment + Victory Condition + Twist is in the back of the book


Warcry CHAOS Warbands

Corvus Cabal - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~1005 pts) - 1 Corvus Cabal box - 9x fighters with a Leader option.

Cypher Lords - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~965 pts) - 1 Cypher Lords box - 8x fighters with a Leader option.

Iron Golems - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~980 pts) - 1 Iron Golems box - 8x fighters with a Leader option.

Spire Tyrants - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~945 pts) - 1 Spire Tyrants box - 9x fighters with a Leader option.

Splintered Fang - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~1110 pts) - 1 Splintered Fang box - 10x fighters with a Leader option.

Unmade - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~980 pts) - 1 Unmade box - 9x fighters with a Leader option.

Untamed Beasts - Cheap & Easy - $50 (~1020 pts) - 1 Untamed Beasts box - 9x fighters with a Leader option.

Slaves tso Darkness Warband

Cheap - $40 (~1280 pts) - 1 Chaos Marauders box - 20x Chaos Marauders with a Leader option.

Easy - $50 (~1485 pts) - 1 Chaos Marauder Horsemen box - 10x Chaos Marauder Horsemen with a Leader option.

Khorne Daemons Warband

Cheap & Easy - $50 (~920 pts) - 1 Flesh Hounds box - 5x Flesh Hounds with a Leader option.

Variety - $80 (~3160 pts) - 1/2 Realm of Chaos: Wrath and Rapture box - 10x Bloodletters, 5x Flesh Hounds and 3x Skull Crushers with Leader options and a Bonus Karanak.

Khorne Bloodbound Warband

Cheap - $58 (~1375 pts) - 1 Bloodreavers box - 20x Bloodreavers with a Leader option.

Variety - $85 (~1560 pts) - 1 Start Collecting Khorne Bloodbound Goreblade Warband box - 10x Bloodreavers and 5x Blood Warriors with Leader options, and a Khorgorath with bonus assorted Heroes.

Nurgle Daemons Warband

Cheap - $65 (~1005 pts) - 1 Plaguebearer box + 1 Nurglings box - 3x Nurglins and 10x Plaguebearers with a Leader option.

Variety - $90 (~????? pts) - 10x Plaguebearers, 3x Nurglings, and 3x Plague Drones with Leader options and a bonus Herald of Nurgle.

Nurgle Rotbringers Warband

Easy - $85 (~1150 pts) - 1 Putrid Blightking box + 1 Underworlds Wurmspat box - 7x Putrid Blightkings with Leader option and bonus Wizard.

Variety - $95 (~1235 pts) - 1 Start Collecting Maggotkin of Nurgle Rotbringers box - 5x Putrid Blightkings and 2x Pusgoyl Blightlords with Leader options, and a bonus Lord of Blights.

Haedonites of Slaanesh Warband

Cheap & Easy - $64 (~1545 pts) - 1 Seekers of Slaanesh box + 1 Daemonettes box - 5x Seekers of Slaanesh and 10x Daemonettes with Leader options.

Variety - $80 (~2065 pts) - 1/2 Realms of Chaos: Wrath and Rapture box - 10x Daemonettes and 5x Seekers of Slaanesh with Leader options, 3x Fiends and a bonus Infernal Rapturess.

Tzeentch Arcanites Warband

Cheap & Easy - $40 (~1255 pts) - 1 Tzaangors box - 10x Tzaangors with a Leader option.

Add-on - $40 (~??? pts) - 1 Tzaangor Skyfire box - 3x Tzaangor Skyfires with Leader option.

Disciples of Tzeentch Warband

Cheap - $60 (~970 pts) - 2 Flamers of Tzeentch boxes - 6 Flamers of Tzeentch with a Leader Option.

Easy - $70 (~2300 pts) - 1 Pink Horrors box + 1 Blue Horrors box - 10x Pink Horrors with Leader option, 10x Blue Horrors, and 10x Brimstone Horrors.

Beasts of Chaos Warband

Cheap - $45 (~975 pts) - 1 Bestigor box - 10x Bestigor with a Leader option.

Variety - $95 (~???? pts) - 1 Start Collecting Beasts of Chaos box - 10x Ungors and 10x Bestigors with Leader options, with bonus Cygor monster and Bray-Shaman Ally.

Skaven Warband

Cheap - $35 (~1570 pts) - 1 Skaven Clanrats box - 20x Skaven Clanrats with a Leader option.

Cheap - $35 (~1480 pts) - 1 Skaven Plague Monks box - 20x Skaven Plague Monks with a Leader option.

Add-on - $40 (~840 pts) - 1 Rat Ogors, Giant Rats and Packmasters box - 2x Rat Ogors, 5x Giant Rats, and 3x Packmasters with a Leader option.


Bonesplitterz Warband

Cheap & Easy - $50 (2295 pts) - 1 Savage orruks box - 20x fighters with Big Stabba, Totem and a Leader option.

Gloomspite Gitz Warband

Cheap - $35 (1330 pts) - 1 Stabbas/Shootas box - 20x fighters with weapon options and a Leader option

Easy - $50 (2245 pts) - 1 Warcry Gloomspite Gitz box - 10x Boingrot Bounders and 3x Seaky Snufflers with Leader options.

Add-on - $25 (565 pts) - 1 Underworlds Zarbags Gitz box 

Ironjawz Warband

Cheap - $53  (2565 pts) - 1 ‘Ardboyz box - 20x fighters with weapon optiosn and a Leader option.

Ironjawz - Easy - $75 (1515 pts) - 1 Brutes + 1 Underworlds Ironskullz Boyz box - 5x Brutes and 4x ‘Ardboyz with Leader options.

Ogor Mawtribes Warband

Ogor Mawtribes - Cheap - $40 (1580 pts) - 1 Ogor Gluttons box - 6x Ogor Gluttons with Leader options and 6x Grots.

Ogor Mawtribes - Easy - $40 (1215 pts) - 1 Leadbelchers box - 4x Leadbelchers with a Leader options and 1x Grot.



Flesh Eater Courts - Cheap - $40 (1165 pts) - 1 Crypt Ghouls box - 20x fighters with a Leader option.

Flesh Eater Courts - Value - $90 (1935 pts) - 1 Start Collecting Flesh Eater Courts box - 10x Gouls and 3x Crypt Horrors/Flayers with Leader options + Bonus Zombie Dragon and Goul King.

Flesh Eater Courts - Add-on Variety - $50 (720 pts) - 1 Crypt Flayers box - 3x fighters with Leader options.


Legions of Nagash - Cheap - $45 (1280 pts) - 1 Necromancer + 1 Skeletons Warriors box - 20x fighters with weapon options and a Leader option.

Legions of Nagash - Easy - $56.25 (1065 pts) - 1 Necromancer + 1 Grave Guard box - 10x fighters with weapon options and a Leader option.


Cheap - $40 (1530 pts) - 1 Chainrasp Horde + 1 Glaivewraith Stalkers box - 9x Chainrasps and 4x Glaivewraith Stalkers with Leader options.

Easy & Variety - $50 (???? pts) - 1 Warcry Nighthaunt box - 4x Myrnmourn Banshees, 4x Glaivewraith Stalkers, and 5x Grimghast Reapers with Leader options.


Cheap - $60 (1580 pts) - 1 Mortek Guard box - 20x Mortek Guard with Leader options.

Easy - $60 (920 pts) - 1 Kavalos Deathriders box - 5x Kavalos Deathriders with Leader options.

Variety - $80 (920 pts) - 1/2 Feast of Bones box - 10x Mortek Guard with Leader options, 3x Necropolis Stalkers and a bonus Hero.


Daughters of Khaine Warband

Cheap/Easy - $45 (~945 pts - close enough!) - 1 Khinerai Lifetakers box - 5x Khinerai Lifetakers or Heartrenders with Leader options.

Add-on - $50 (~905 pts) - 1 Melusai Blood Sisters box - 5x Melusai Blood Sisters or Blood Stalkers Leader options.

Add-on - $60 (~915 pts) - 1 Witch Aelves box - 10x Witch Aelves with a Leader option.

Idoneth Deepkin Warband

Variety - $90 (1525 pts) - 1 Start Collecting Idoneth Deepkin box - 3x Eels and 10x Thralls with Leader options with bonus Ally, Isharan Soulrender.

Add-on - $50 (~810 pts) - 1 Namarti Reavers box - 10x Namarti Reavers with a Leader option.

Stormcast Vanguard Warband

Cheap - $50 (???? pts) - 1 Warcry Stormcat Eternals Vanguard box - 5x Hunters and 3x Raptors with Leader options, and 3x Aetherwing.

Easy - $55 (~1110 pts) - 1 Neave Blacktalon + 1 Gryph-hounds box - 5x Gryph-hounds and 1x Hunter with a Leader option.

Stormcast Warrior Warband

Cheap - $62 (~1940 pts) - 1 Judicators box - 10x Judicators with weapon and Leader options.

Cheap - $62 (~1920 pts) - 1 Liberators box - 10x Liberators with weapon and Leader options.

Variety - $85 (~3185 pts) - 1 Start Collecting Stormcast Eternals Thunderstrike Brotherhood box - 10x Liberators, 3x Prosecutors, and 3x Retributors with weapon and Leader options. Bonus Heroes.

Stormcast Sacrosanct Warband

Cheap & Easy - $30 (~1235 pts) - 1 Sequitor Easy-to-Build box + 1 Castigator Easy-to-Build box - 3x Sequitors and 3x Castigators with Leader options, with a bonus Gryph-hound.

Variety - $80 (~2055 pts) - 1/2 Tempest of Souls box - 5x Sequitors, 3x Castigators, and 3x Evocators with Leader options, and a bonus Gryphound and Celestar Ballista and crew.

Kharadron Overlords

Cheap & Easy - $65 (~1395 pts) - 1 Grundstock Thunderers box + 1 Underworlds Thundrik’s Profiteers box - 6x Thunderers, 2x Arkanauts, and 1x Skyrigger with Leader options, and bonus Aether Khemist.

Variety - $95 (???? pts) - 1 Start Collecting Kharadron Overlords box - 5x Thunderers and 3x Skyriggers with Leader options, with a bonus Gunhauler and Endrinmaster.


Cheap - $35 (~1365 pts) - 1 Skinks box - 20x Skinks with Leader options.

Easy - $35 (~1000 pts) - 1 Saurus Knights box - 8x Saurus Knights with a Leader option.

Variety - $90 (~2200 pts) - 1 Start Collecting Seraphon box - 12x Saurus Warriors and 8x Saurus Knights with Leader options, and a bonus Carnasaur.


Cheap - $41 (~1195 pts) - 1 Sylvaneth Dryads box - 16x Sylvaneth Dryads with a Leader option.

Add-on - $58 (~640 pts) - 1 Kurnoth Hunters box - 3x Kurnoth Hunters with weapon and a Leader option.


Cheap - $60 (~950 pts) - 1 Vulkite Berserkers box - 10x Vulkite Berserkers with weapon and Leader options.

Add-on - $45 (~695 pts) - 1 Hearthguard Berserkers/Auric Hearthguard box - 5x Hearthguard Berserkers or Auric Hearthguard with weapon options and a Leader option.

Remember, you can’t go wrong if you pick the models you love and play for the fun of the game.

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